Folkwise Folklore Stickers

$4.00 - $6.50

Everything is Ladders:

Listen. I can sit here and wax poetic about how ladders are used as a metaphor for connections and how we're trying to form connections between people and the folklore they experience every day. Or how we're trying to raise awareness of folklore to new heights. Or even about how each new project we work on is yet another rung on the ladder that is Folkwise. But at the end of the day, it's an inside joke about climbing mechanics in Breath of the Wild; and isn't that really the truest form of folklore?

The sticker is made with PVC vinyl, is weatherproof, and has a matte finish


Durian Fruit Reclamation Project:

"Here at The Durian Fruit Reclamation Project (DFRP), we believe that when we lose Durian trees, we're not just losing bonus hearts, but we are losing the traditional foodways practices of the Faron Woods."
Show your support for this important Folkwise sponsored NGO with this sticker of the Durian Fruit Reclamation Projects official logo, designed by Folkwise's own Chrissy Widmayer, and help bring this cultural staple back to its people.

The sticker is made with PVC vinyl, is weatherproof, and has a glossy finish